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Photo by Wojtek Kocot

New Sports Class XC Competitions

Win a brand new NOVA wing!

1 500€ of cash prizes each round!

Chabre, Laragne

15–21 June 2024

Chabre, Laragne

15-21 June 2024


Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points
1 200 11 116 21 76 31 38 41 20 51 10
2 180 12 112 22 72 32 36 42 19 52 9
3 160 13 108 23 68 33 34 43 18 53 8
4 150 14 104 24 64 34 32 44 17 54 7
5 145 15 100 25 60 35 30 45 16 55 6
6 140 16 96 26 56 36 28 46 15 56 5
7 135 17 92 27 52 37 26 47 14 57 4
8 130 18 88 28 48 38 24 48 13 58 3
9 125 19 84 29 44 39 22 49 12 59 2
10 120 20 80 30 40 40 21 50 11 60 1

Pilots from places 61 – 120 get 0 (zero) Grand Prix Ranking points.


  1. CONSTRUCTOR ranking is a sum of all Grand Prix points (overall category) gained by three highest scoring pilots flying a given manufacturers wings in all competitions in a given season.



  1. For OVERALL SEASON winner – a new two-liner EN-C wing from NOVA.
  2. For each round competition winners:
    1. OVERALL  - 800€ in cash
    2. FEMALE - 400€ in cash
    3. best EN-B wing – 300€ in cash


  1. The Grand Prix competition series is designated for EN – C and below wings.
  2. The Grand Prix consists of 3 – 5 competitions every year.
  3. All Grand Prix competitions will be FAI cat. 2 sanctioned and scored in WPRS. (Please contact us if you if you want to participate but having trouble getting FAI Sporting Licence.)



  1. In season 2023 selection is conducted on the ‘first paid, first served' basis.
  2. 10% of places is reserved for female pilots.
  3. In the following seasons selection will be conducted according to the Grand Prix Ranking, with 20% of places reserved for the Grand Prix newcomers.



  1. Competition scoring categories – OVERALL, FEMALE.   
  2. The competition tasks will be scored according to Time-Based Scoring system.
  3. There will be no FTV rules applied (FTV – 0%).



  1. Ranking categories – OVERALL, FEMALE, CONSTRUCTORS.
  2. The Grand Prix Ranking points in OVERALL and FEMALE categories are granted as follows:






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