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Photo by Wojtek Kocot

New Sports Class XC Competitions

Win a brand new NOVA wing!

1 500€ of cash prizes each round!

Chabre, Laragne

15–21 June 2024

Chabre, Laragne

15-21 June 2024

2023-06-14 T2

Race to Goal 20.9 km


# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS time /
1 3333 Emese Fodor F rou Ozone Photon Muresfly 4.402 1:19:43
2 2407 Kathrin Skobjin F ger SupAir Savage 5.151 1:20:18 +0:35
3 1005 Roxy Phuong Nguyen F vie AirDesign Rise 3 14.905 1:27:52 +8:09

Results include only those pilots where female equals 1

Task definition

No Leg Dist. Id Radius Open Close Coordinates Altitude
1 0.00 km T03 400 m 12:30 14:00 Lat: 45.4725 Lon: 22.81083 1200 m
2 SS 2.22 km B26 26000 m 13:30 Lat: 45.5265 Lon: 22.4585 323 m
3 4.27 km B26 24000 m Lat: 45.5265 Lon: 22.4585 323 m
4 10.44 km B05 3000 m Lat: 45.478 Lon: 22.87433 687 m
5 20.36 km B26 24000 m Lat: 45.5265 Lon: 22.4585 323 m
6 ad-hoc goal 20.91 km B33 17995 m (14000 m ) 18:30 Lat: 45.7215 Lon: 22.82267 648 m
    B05 2000 m        
    L12 400 m        

Task statistics

Parameter Value
Task distance 20.905 km
Speed section distance 18.685 km
Number of pilots present 27
Number of pilots launching 27
Number of pilots landing out 26
Number of pilots reaching end of speed section 1
Number of pilots reaching goal 1
Launch ratio 100%
Goal ratio 4%
Best distance flown 20.905 km
Furthest turnpoint reached by any pilot 6
Best finish time 01:16:18
Time of last pilot to complete task 01:16:18
Maximum time for reaching goal 02:22:14
Time for ABS and DNF pilots 01:32:31
Best speed section speed 14.7 km/h
Winner adjustment speed 37.3 km/h
Goal ratio adjustment speed 40.0 km/h
Adjustment speed 77.3 km/h
Adjustment base time 01:16:18
Number of sprints 0
Launch validity 100%
Best task time 01:16:18

Scoring formula settings

Parameter Value
id TBS
tbs_version 2.4.8
altitude_difference_launch_landing 700
max_task_speed 40
nom_launch 0.96
min_dist 6
nom_goal 0.25
max_adj_speed_factor 1
min_adj_speed_factor 0.3
max_goal_time_bottom_factor 1.5
max_goal_time_top_factor 2.5
turnpoint_radius_tolerance 0.002
score_back_time 5
bonus_gr 4
sprint_winner_bonus 60
sprint_bonus_gap 5
no_discard_on_last_day False
use_progress_bonus False
progress_bonus_size 6
scoring_altitude QNH

Time-based scoring was developed by Maxime Bellemin and Jörg Ewald, with input from many others. FS implementation by

Report created: 2023-06-14T14:27:39+02:00
1. Przemysław
Mentor 6

1355 3 1
2. Magdalena
Artik 6
1155 3 2

Round 1 - Clopotiva 2023 

Task 2 - Female

1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2
1. Przemysław Czerwiński Image POL NOVA Mentor 6 WV X-ALPS 1355 3 1
2. Magdalena Pawlak Image POL NIVIUK Artik 6 1155 3 2

Polish Paragliding Open